Monday 23 May 2011

It's good to be a celebrity of your own sometimes

I just imagine myself being put on buildings like a certain celebrity. How about being viewed by Bill Gate himself on his latest Microsoft Review, it's a mystery. The only thing I can say is that with technology we can be whoever we want to be, it's just the matter of being information literate in-order to know how to get to that point.

Wednesday 13 April 2011

Farting is a crime in Malawi

The criminalisation of farting in public places, otherwise known as “fouling the air”, has been long overdue. I applaud you Malawi for doing so. Imagine a world without silent killers in elevators, where as the doors slowly shut, you have to hold your breath for 10 floors as that man in the corner with the rice and beans for lunch avoids your gaze. No longer shall we be oppressed by those who feel that a bus, (with no windows open AND no air-con on a hot and humid day), is an appropriate receptacle for expelled gases. We shall be free to wander streets, sit in restaurants, be bored to death in conference halls without being forced to crinkle our noses. No longer shall we look around, searching for the guilty party, yet remaining afraid to ask for fear of hearing “he who smelt it, dealt it”.
Malawi, I thank you for taking that brave step. Thank you.

Thursday 31 March 2011

The day I shall never forget.

The day I shall never forget was the Valentine's Day on the 14th of February 2005. On this day I invited a girl to my house. We were dating, but she was four years older than me. She arrived at my place and we just enjoyed a few drinks. After all the conversations we had, then we started kissing. I was over the moon because it was my first kiss ever. We kissed and finally know. Making love was something that I never did before, but on that day, mmmmm

Wednesday 30 March 2011

My first day at University of Zululand

My first day at University of Zululand was so hectic and horrible. I received bad service and I was treated like a stray dog. After registration I was sent to Authorities that I didn't know at all. Despite the fact that I was lost, I was not given relevant information that I needed. Thanks to the University orientation I was able to gather few information. I was so angry that I couldn't find the NE classes.